Monday, August 6, 2012

Running... Naturally?

Run, you mothers, and brothers of everyone's sister....

Mormons call one another Sister and Brother VERSES Ms. and Mr.
President, Professor, Master, Clergy. 

I wish they called each other Grand Dragons, Imperial Wizard, Grand Cyclops, Lictors, Knight Hawks... Come on if your going to have a religion lets make this interesting and suitable. Only they don't lynch other races, they simply convert them whether they consent or not... See once you die they'll trap your soul in a baptism for the dead. Just ask any Jewish member from the Holocaust. 

Aside, Running has become popular here in the Happy Valley, Bishop.


Born to Run  If you didn't read it, you should if you care for running, more so anthropology. It states many obvious issues with the way we run, namely our form: Rolling the entire foot toes, ball, and heel. A tribe of runners native to Mexico living off of this fermented seed beer are the most healthy, uninjured, athletes. They run without shoes, and only on the toes/balls of their feet. It's a common form for sprinters, but was not often used in long distance running. 

The basic message is to run Naturally. Broad the term: natural, go ahead look up one of the 30+ definitions.

From what I gathered running without shoes is great and more natural (duh.)

Hence the outbreak. 
Have you seen?

-Individuals with toe shoes, running or just "looking fucking sick" and bad-A muther natural?
-Those who take it to heart and sole, No shoes!
- (rarely) An individual wearing running shoes and running in a form without their heels touching the ground.

A) It's natural to run without shoes on.
FALSE: It would be natural if you were running on anything other than: pavement, asphalt, and/or grass. It would also be different if we didn't live in an overcrowded river bottom valley where any number of things littered or other could injury you with ease.

B) Toe-shoes are natural. 
FALSE: If having your toes separated with material keeping your toes apart is natural then I am Francis Farmer. 

C) Running with Athletic shoes suited for your individual needs and in a running form similar to the one described in Born to Run you are better off then running bare foot down a city street.
TRUE: Yeah! Duh. 

TO: All you 'runners' just go for a walk, save yourself some money on fancy shoes, and just go easy on yourself, would ya? It's just been so painful to watch you. Work on form and ease into it, and please REMEMBER YOU CAN RUN 'BAREFOOT' WITH SHOES ON. Amen.


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